Sex Crimes
The most commonly accused types of sex crime in Florida include actions such as:
sexual battery;
child molestation;
statutory rape;
Internet sex offenses;
lewd conduct;
possession of child pornography; and
indecent exposure.
While the severity of the penalties you face if convicted correlate with the severity of the charges being held against you, any type of sex crime charge is a serious matter. Depending on whether your charges involve alleged sex crimes against a child, adult, or employee, or involve assault, battery, weapons, or drugs, you may face more severe penalties. Steep fines, lengthy prison or jail sentences, probation, and parole are all serious and life-altering. However, sex offender registration is perhaps the most daunting effect of a sex crime conviction because of its influence on a person's life beyond these other penalties. Sex offender registration influences where an individual lives, who hires them, what they can do, and where they can go.
Contact my office so that I can help you answer questions you may have such as:
do my charges qualify as a "sex crime";
am I facing a mandatory jail sentence;
will I be labeled a "sexual predator";
do I have to register as a "sex offender".