Wrongful Death
A wrongful death is the death of a person caused by the negligence or wrongful act of an individual or company.
The loss of a loved one is something that we all wish we never have to endure. Unfortunately death is a part of life, and while we all would choose to have loved ones live long, fulfilled lives and pass from this life peaceful and content at the end of their days, sadly, this is too often not how it really happens.
Often times a loved ones life is unfairly cut short due to the negligence of another. It is in these situations that the victims families should turn to the wrongful death lawyers at the law firm of Dylan M. Snyder, P.A. for the comfort and legal help that they need.
Wrongful death cases can usually be the result of:
- Personal Injury;
- Car Accident;
- Medical Malpractice;
- Defective Products;
- Slip and Fall Injury;
- Workplace;
- Catastrophic Injury;
- Aviation Accident;
- Nursing Home Abuse;
- Brain Injury;
- Etc.
Whatever the case may be, a precious life was wrongfully taken and the suffering only continues for those who have been left behind. Almost any accidental death can bring about a wrongful death lawsuit, whether caused by negligent or intentional conduct.
When a victim suffers through a wrongful death, the suffering does not end there. Those who are left behind trying to pick up the pieces are faced with harsh realities and tough choices. Choosing your lawyer should not be one of them. In the aftermath of a devastating wrongful death accident, families need help as they deal with difficult and harsh financial realities such as death expenses, loss of spousal support, loss of wages, and much more. Our wrongful death lawyers will step in, stand up against the wrongdoers, and will fight dearly for your rights to obtain the compensation that you deserve.
Compensation for wrongful death cases include:
- Pain, suffering and mental anguish caused by the victims death;
- Emotional Distress;
- Loss of care and companionship and love as a result of the death;
- Loss of care and protection as a result of the death;
- Loss of family activities, household chores, etc;
- Loss of future earnings capacities over the lifetime of the victim;
- Benefits lost due to the victim’s death (medical insurance, pension, 401K, etc.);
- Medical bills and expenses;
- Expenses incurred by the death of the victim i.e., funeral, etc.;
- General and punitive damages;
- Etc.
If you or someone you know has suffered the loss of a loved one due to someone else negligence, call the wrongful death lawyers at Dylan M. Snyder, P.A. today. We help the families of wrongful death victims rebuild their lives.